#ArtistSpotlight Exclusive Interview with Modern Soulful Music Awards Finalist, Big O

The 2023-2024 Modern Soulful Music Awards have been opened. We know that a lot of you are here to strictly find your next favorite artist and song, so if you want to get right into the music, check it out below here!

Album Review

“In the Company of Others” is a captivating conceptual album by the renowned artist Big O. This extraordinary musical masterpiece is ingeniously divided into three distinct acts, each offering a unique insight into the personal journeys and influential forces that have shaped the artists into the remarkable individuals they are today.

From the very first note, listeners are transported into a world where music becomes a medium for self-reflection and storytelling. The album’s first act sets the stage, introducing the listeners to the various individuals who have played a significant role in shaping the artists’ lives. Through heartfelt lyrics and mesmerizing melodies, Big O invites us to delve into their personal experiences, exploring the relationships and encounters that have left an indelible mark on their artistic expression.

As the album progresses into its second act, the listener is immersed in a rich tapestry of soundscapes that represent the diverse array of influences that have contributed to the artists’ growth. Drawing upon a wide range of musical genres and styles, Big O skillfully weaves together an intricate sonic landscape that evokes a sense of nostalgia, celebration, and introspection. Each track tells a story of its own, contributing to the larger narrative that unfolds throughout the album.

The third act of “In the Company of Others” serves as a culmination of the artists’ collective experiences and influences. Here, Big O presents a profound synthesis of their musical journey, revealing how these diverse elements have coalesced to shape their artistic identity. The album reaches its emotional climax, leaving listeners with a sense of awe and inspiration as they witness the transformative power of music and human connection.

With “In the Company of Others,” Big O has not only crafted an exceptional musical experience but has also provided listeners with a glimpse into their soul. The album’s three acts invite us to reflect on our own lives, relationships, and personal growth, reminding us of the profound impact that others can have on our journey of self-discovery.

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary sonic adventure as you join Big O in “In the Company of Others.” Let the captivating melodies and poignant lyrics guide you through a transformative exploration of human connection, growth, and the power of music.

Music Video – Ms. Takes

Artist Interview: Big O

We had the opportunity to connect with Big O, a talented artist known for his nostalgic and innovative approach to hip hop. In this interview, Big O shares his journey, influences, and aspirations in the music industry.

Modern Soulful Music (Q:) What made you decide to jump into the music industry or music business?

Big O (A:) I decided to jump into this industry because I love music and love to create.

Q: What do you think makes you stand out from all the other aspiring and upcoming artists in your genre of music?

A: Since I am a producer, I believe the sort of music I make stands out because it has a nostalgic feel to it and represents the true essence of hip hop while moving it forward.

Q: If you could collaborate with ANY artist/band, who would you choose and why?

A: I would choose Ab-Soul & Lupe Fiasco. I’ve been a fan of those artists for years and I love how they put their words together so beautifully.

Q: What do you think is your biggest advantage and your biggest disadvantage about being an indie artist?

A: Budget. There’s a lot of DIY involved while being an indie artist, and most times it can stop you from doing what you truly want to do.

Q: Do you prefer the independent route or would you rather sign to a major record label, and why?

A: Even though being indie is expensive, I still love it and wouldn’t want to be signed to a major label. Most artists seem to lose their sound and integrity while being on a major label and forced to do things they really don’t want to do. I don’t want to compromise my sound just for the sake of money.

Q: Out of all the songs you’ve released, what do you think is your best song and why?

A: My “best” song to me will always be “OG” by Loki Loko. We had fun with that track, and I love the creative space I was in when I was making it. Additionally, “Footprints in the Snow” has been my biggest song, as it gained strong recognition in the Lo-fi community.

Q: Between creating in the studio OR performing live on stage, which is your most enjoyable one and why?

A: Definitely in the studio because it’s just me most of the time, and no one is around to disturb me while I create.

Q: What would you consider the most successful or proudest moment in your music career so far?

A: I have a couple of proud moments. My EP “Reflections of HE” that I released this year in March earned me my first platinum plaque, and I won Producer of the Year in 2021 at the Insanely Gifted Awards in Austin, TX.

Q: What inspires you the most about the music industry these days?

A: As a music producer, my top five favorite and inspirational producers that inspire me in this industry are Dr. Dre, J Dilla, Kanye West, Madlib, and The Alchemist.

Q: If you weren’t in the music business or industry, what do you think you would be doing with your life instead?

A: I would still be working in live events. No matter what, I was always destined to do something with audio.

Here at Modern Soulful Music, supporting artists is our #1 priority, we kindly ask you to check out 2023-2024 Award Finalist, BIg O. You can find Big O’s album “In the Company of Others” on Spotify, and check out his music videos for “Ms. Takes” here and “No Regrets” here.

Music Video: No Regrets

Published by Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique

Reverend Dr. Dortheá Enriqúe (Goddess Dorthea Music) is the Founder and Executive Director of Modern Soulful Living, an arts and culture nonprofit organization that uses art, music, and literature to focus on mind, body, for spiritual wellness and personal development to live a joyous and prosperous life. She is an accomplished spiritual counselor, holistic therapist, journalist, published author, poet and soul-healing musician.

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